Preventing Rabies in Montgomery County

Almost every year, the area of Montgomery County sees about forty cases of rabies in wild and domestic animals. Most of the animals that fall victim to the disease in the county include bats, raccoons, and foxes, with some domesticated cats as well. This spread from wildlife to domestic animals shows that the wildlife in the area is becoming unmanageable to the point of leaving domestic outdoor pets exposed to rabies. This means that preventative measures must be taken to help prevent the spread of rabies in Montgomery County. The first step to prevention is to understand the signs of rabies. These indicators include:

  1. Friendliness in wildlife, aggression in pets.
  2. Nocturnal animals like raccoons are found active in the daylight.
  3. Foaming at the mouth.
  4. Staggering while walking.

Other steps that can be taken to help prevent the spread of rabies throughout Montgomery County include:

  1. When walking domestic pets around the neighborhood, be sure to have them leashed at all times. This will help to keep your pet close should you be approached by a wild animal infected with rabies.
  2. If you have seen wildlife in your yard, never leave pets outside unattended. Stay in the yard with them at all times to prevent wildlife interaction.
  3. Never keep food or water for pets outside. This will only attract wildlife to your yard, putting your pets at risk.
  4. If you see a wild animal in your yard that appears harmed or sick, never attempt to rescue the animal yourself. Only trust trained professionals to handle wildlife to ensure no harm befalls you or the animal.
  5. Use exclusion techniques to prevent wildlife from entering your home. This includes chimney caps along with mesh coverings for vents to eliminate the threat of bats or raccoons from entering your home and infecting your pets or family members.
  6. Keep pets up to date on all rabies and other vaccinations.
  7. If you suspect wildlife infected by rabies in your area, call the professionals at Mid Atlantic Wildlife Control. Our professionals are trained to humanely remove wildlife infected by rabies without causing harm to the animal, your family, or themselves.

To get started with Mid Atlantic Wildlife Control, call us today at 443-417-3137 or visit our online contact page. We are available, so never hesitate to call. Follow Mid Atlantic Wildlife Control today on Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.

