Taking Caution with Pasadena Bats

Throughout the state of Maryland, ten different species of bats continue to call us home. Because of this, you are sure to find Pasadena bats throughout the area should you have residence there. While Pasadena bats may seem small and harmless, they should really be handled with care and by a professional. Pasadena bats can cause serious damage to your home while also carrying harmful parasites and diseases. The main disease that Pasadena bats can carry that is known to be harmful to humans is rabies. Bats can transmit the disease by biting an individual directly or by the infected saliva entering an eye, nose, mouth, or wound of a human without them being aware. When a human becomes infected by rabies, the virus begins to attack their nervous system, which can then infect the brain and ultimately cause death if left untreated. Some rabies symptoms include:

  1. Fever
  2. Headache
  3. Agitation
  4. Difficulty swallowing
  5. Hallucinations

Another well-known disease carried by bats is histoplasmosis. Histoplasmosis is caused by a fungus that grows in the soil contaminated by the droppings of bats and birds. The symptoms of histoplasmosis can be mistaken as those of pneumonia, and like pneumonia, the disease can become fatal if left untreated. If you believe that a bat is currently living or has been living in any area of your home, do not take matters into your own hands; instead call Mid Atlantic Wildlife Control. At Mid Atlantic Wildlife Control, our trained technicians know the safest and most sanitary procedures to remove bats from your Howard County home. Our techniques are humane and will ensure the safety of you, our technicians, and the animals. We specialize in the removal of the most commonly found bats in Maryland including:

  1. Hoary Bat
  2. Indiana Bat
  3. Silver Haired Bat
  4. Little Brown Bat
  5. Northern Long-Eared Bat
  6. Eastern Red Bat

When you find evidence of Pasadena bats in your attic or any other area of your home, don’t panic. Simply pick up the phone and call Mid Atlantic Wildlife Control. Our technicians use only the most humane techniques to remove bats from your home as well as preventing their entry in the future. We are available at any hour, all seven days of the week, so never hesitate to call when you have a bat problem in your Pasadena home. Our technicians will be able to effectively locate the bat in question and remove the animal without causing further damage to your home or the bat itself. To contact a professional from Mid Atlantic Wildlife Control, call us at 443.417.3137 or click here for our contact page. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest today!
