How To Stop Animals From Coming Back After Removal

The skittering of tiny claws is never a pleasant sound from your attic or garage. Unfortunately, with the ever-expanding touch of humankind, wild animals are looking for places where they can hide. These wild animals can not only damage your home but also expose your family to diseases, such as hantavirus and rabies. With the help of humane wildlife control services, such as the ones we offer at Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control, you can get these animals removed from your home. However, you may be wondering how to keep the little critters out after animal removal services. Fortunately, at our East Coast wildlife control center, we have the answers.

If you need animal removal or home animal prevention, contact the experts at Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control today at [Direct]. We can help you remove the creatures from your property and keep them far away from you and your loved ones.

Keeping Animals From Coming Back After Animal Removal Services

Protecting your home and family against wild animals begins with preventative actions. Begin by inspecting your home for potential points of entry. You can also ask a professional to do this for you. Many animals can squeeze through tiny openings or make them bigger to allow them to squeeze through, so it’s vital to be thorough. Look for places where your pipes, cables, or vents exit the home or places that your siding has deteriorated. You should also check for holes in the foundation and repair damaged screens and vents.

You should also have a home inspection professional examine your roof and gutters to make sure that there’s no unseen damage. The inspector should pay particular attention to areas where your dormers and gables meet the roof. You should also check for signs of water damage, which can create wood rot. Wood rot makes it easier for small critters to create or widen holes to get into your home.

You should also install an animal-proof chimney cap to make sure that birds, bats, and squirrels out of your chimney. Do not use window-screening material to do this, because it can clog your chimney with soot and debris. This clog can result in a severe fire hazard.

In addition, you should try to trim any overhanging branches, keeping them at least 10 feet from the roof of your home. Rats, squirrels, and other tree-dwellers may use these as bridges to your home.

If you see any areas where an animal has entered your home, it’s vital to call a humane animal removal specialist like Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control.

Other Ways to Prevent Animals From Returning After Animal Removal

It’s important not to feed the wildlife around your house. Don’t let any fallen birdseed accumulate around the bird feeders, and feed your pets inside. You should also keep your garbage stored in a secured container. If you have a garden, you should also create a fence around the garden to keep rabbits, gophers, deer, and moles out. Also, you should pick up any fallen fruit and throw it away in an appropriate container.

You should also keep your firewood away from fences and your home. Stack the wood at least 2 feet away from the ground so that mice cannot nest in the soil or the woodpile. This action will also protect your house from termites. Make sure that you keep brush piles, dead trees, debris, or tall grass out of your yard to keep animals from returning to your property.

Contact Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control Today

At Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control, we provide animal removal services for a variety of creatures, including:

To learn more about home animal prevention, wildlife during pandemic today at [Direct].
