Annapolis Homeowners Over Ran With Birds Nesting in Vents

As spring arrives homeowners in Annapolis, Glen Burnie, and Severn will be franticly trying to figure out how to get rid of birds in a vent. Birds such as House Sparrows, Grackles, and Starlings will begin their annual nest building rituals. It’s common for these particular bird species to build nest in man-made structures like exhaust vents that are not bird proof. Most new homes have laundry rooms on the second floor so the dryer exhaust vent is at the perfect height to attract birds for nesting. Second floor bathrooms also have exhaust vents that are high enough off the ground for birds to feel comfortable enough to build a nest. Kitchen exhaust vents are usually closer to the ground on residential homes so birds don’t use them as often however if the bird feels the vent is at a safe height then they will nest in a kitchen vent. These exhaust vents are the perfect shape and size for birds to build a nest in. Exhaust vents also provide new born baby birds with protection from predators and harsh weather like high winds and rain. The photo below was taken at a home on Sharps Point Road, Annapolis, MD 21409 by an Annapolis pest control company. It shows a bathroom vent and dryer vent side by side about 20 feet above ground which is the perfect height to attract birds that are looking to build a nest. The bathroom exhaust vent on the right is wide open and birds can easily access the interior of the vent pipe. At the time no birds were nesting in that vent but there was a House Sparrow nesting in the dryer vent on the left side. The bird most likely chose the dryer vent on the left side because the front cover on the vent is slanted and deflects rain and wind. The slanted cover also prevents predators from seeing the birds. The opening on the bottom of the vent is just wide enough for the bird to enter and exit.

House Sparrows, Grackles, and Starlings usually return to the same nesting site year after year especially if that nesting site worked well the previous year. If they are returning to an old nesting site they will bring in new nesting materials. Once the nesting site has been chosen the building of the nest begins. They work continuously to find dried grass, small twigs, dried leaves, and even trash. The birds will pack as much of the nesting materials into the vent pipe as possible and at the same time they will form a deep pocket in the center where they will lay their eggs. After the baby birds are born the deep pocket will insure that they stay in the nest. Unfortunately some of the babies get out of the nest and wonder down the vent pipe to the exhaust fan. At some point the baby bird will die and a very bad odor will fill the room. Pest control companies like Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control receive hundreds of calls each spring and summer from homeowners in a panic because their bathroom, kitchen or laundry room smells like died animals or because there is maggots falling inside their kitchen, bathroom or laundry room from the vent. If you are looking for a permanent solution to your animal control problem call an Annapolis bird removal expert at Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control. A technician will humanly evict the birds and transport any babies that are too young to fly to a wildlife rehabilitator. Once the birds are out the technician will remove the nesting materials, feces and any dead birds then install a bird proof vent cover to prevent this from happening again in the future. For the Anne Arundel County animal removal services you need, call Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control now at 443-417-3137.
