5 Strategies for Keeping Unwanted Squirrels at Bay During Winter

The playfulness of squirrels can be delightful to watch, especially during the warmer months when they forage and frolic through the garden. But as winter sets in, the same squirrels that once charmed their way into your backyard can become a nuisance, looking for warmth and food inside your home in Lutherville, MD 21093. This causes distress to homeowners, disrupts the hard work of gardeners, and can even pose risks to wildlife enthusiasts. Here are five strategies to help you keep these critters at arm’s length this winter while maintaining a humane environment.

Strategy 1: Seal Entry Points

As the cold weather arrives, squirrels, like many animals, seek shelter. To stop them from making your home their winter sanctuary, it’s vital to seal any potential entry points. Identify openings in your structure such as loose vents, cracks in the walls, or gaps in the roof. Use appropriate materials to secure these areas, ensuring that even the smallest gaps are closed off. Don’t overlook the importance of securing windows and doors with tight-fitting screens and durable weather stripping.

Strategy 2: Remove Food Sources

Squirrels are opportunistic feeders, and an easily accessible food source is an open invitation. Bird feeders are a common culprit for attracting squirrels, as they provide a high-calorie, low-effort meal. To deter these pests, consider removing bird feeders altogether in favor of feeding birds by hand or using alternative feeding stations, far from your home. Additionally, securely seal garbage cans and keep compost piles covered to eliminate the strong and enticing food odors that could attract squirrels.

Strategy 3: Install Squirrel Deterrents

In the absence of attractive food sources, desperate or persistent squirrels may attempt to breach your defenses. Strategic deterrents can help dissuade them. Motion-activated sprinklers are a popular choice, providing a harmless but startling stream of water when the squirrel ventures too close. Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sound waves that are disruptive to squirrels’ sensitive hearing. If these options don’t suffice, invest in squirrel-proofed feeders or store-bought solutions like slippery baffles and caps to guard against determined incursions.

Strategy 4: Use Squirrel-Resistant Plantings

Landscape with plants that squirrels find less appealing. Include varieties that are unattractive to squirrels, such as daffodils, hyacinths, or snowdrops, which they tend to avoid due to their toxicity. Squirrels are also known to have a distaste for scent deterrents like alliums or marigolds. Incorporate these plants within your garden to create a natural barrier that’s unappealing to squirrels, providing a protective buffer and maintaining their distance.

Strategy 5: Employ Professional Services

For those dealing with a persistent or large-scale squirrel invasion, sometimes it’s best to rely on the expertise of wildlife control professionals. These individuals have the experience, tools, and knowledge to effectively handle the situation, ensuring both the safety of your home and the humane treatment of the squirrels. They can employ techniques like one-way exclusion funnels that allow squirrels to leave a structure but not re-enter, providing a peaceful solution for both parties.

Embracing these five strategies will certainly reduce the chances of unwanted squirrel visits, giving you a squirrel-free winter to enjoy your home and garden. If you find yourself overwhelmed, remember that help is always available. At Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control, we specialize in humanely resolving wildlife conflicts. Contact us for a proactive assessment of your property in Lutherville, MD 21093, and achieve peace this winter.
