How Did a Bird Get In My Bathroom’s Exhaust Vent?

Birds can be a nuisance besides presenting some serious problems to your home. They can make their home in your bathroom vent. Bathroom exhaust vents are safe and warm, attracting birds to set up their nests. As a result, they lay and hatch the eggs in the vents.

Consequently, they will bring food which includes all manner of bugs to the vent. Some of the bugs may escape to your house and potentially spread diseases. Also, their nests may interfere with airflow into and out of your house. However, at Mid Atlantic Wildlife Control, we can help you remove nests and birds from your vent.

How Birds Get to Your Bathroom Exhaust Vents

Birds find your vents attractive to build their nests. Besides, the bathroom vent provides the perfect haven for protection, and as such, birds will attempt to get their way into these areas. Initially, the birds enter the basement first, exploiting any weakness within the air duct system. They then build their nest in the vent.

Dangers of Birds Nesting in Your Bathroom Vents

Birds nesting in your bathroom exhaust vent can be dangerous to your home. For instance, the bird’s nest can clog the pipe leading to foul odors accumulating in your house. Also, birds can cause fire outbreaks in your home as materials used for nesting are flammable.

Furthermore, birds carry mites and other bugs. So when a bird sets up its nest in your bathroom vent, the bugs get into your home. Thus, this can lead to health hazards in your home as the bugs may spread diseases. Besides, birds can be very noisy and irritating around your home. Lastly, the presence of several birds and their nestlings means plenty of bird droppings into various areas in your house.

Removal of Bird’s Nest from a Bathroom Vent

The best way to keep birds off your bathroom vent is by preventing their entry by sealing off the vents. However, if the birds have already entered the vent, you should have an expert to remove them. A trained wildlife removal expert will safely and efficiently remove the birds.

An expert will gather the required protective gear, long needle-nose pliers, screwdriver, and torch. The vent is located, and easy parts like leaves and twigs are removed by hand. The nest coiling around pipe slats can be removed using long needle-nose pliers. A long screwdriver is used to loosen stubborn feathers sticking on the sides of the vent.

Most of the birds shelter and make their nests outdoor in trees. Nonetheless, birds love other safe places to set up their nests. Some of the common areas they occupy include the kitchen and bathroom vents. You should always seal off such places to prevent birds from nesting. If you live in or near Baltimore County, Maryland, and would like to humanely remove birds from your home, contact the professionals at Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control.
