Humane Rat Traps Can Help Protect a Home

rat traps

The health dangers of rats make them a very problematic home pest. As a result, you may want to consider humane rat traps to manage your rodent population. Thankfully, we at Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control fully understand these traps. With our help, you can control a rat infestation and keep your home and yard safe from this danger.

Dangers of Rat Infestations

Rats are one of the most dangerous rodents to have in a home. Their extra size makes them bolder than mice. As a result, they may bite people and pets. Even worse, they spread many diseases that can be very dangerous. These include hantavirus, leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, and even salmonella. Even worse, they can quickly spread the plague to unsuspecting homeowners, their children, and pets. Though not as deadly as it was in the Middle Ages, the plague is still quite painful.

While modern medicine can treat all of these diseases, they may leave long-lasting physical and emotional scars. For example, those with hantavirus may have permanently damaged lungs. Therefore, it is critical to get rats out of a home for good. Unfortunately, homeowners interested in using humane rat traps may be uncertain of the source of their infestation. Identifying this element can ensure that they get the proper treatment for rat problems.

Rats May Be Tough to Locate

Like all rodents, rats are very intelligent creatures. They have survived for millions of years by knowing how to hide and where to make their nests. As a result, they are more than capable of protecting themselves in your home or around your yard. Thankfully, they typically build their nests in reasonably predictable areas anyways, including:

  • Basements – Rats often prefer out-of-the-way and dark areas that you may not notice
  • Cluttered areas – Like all rodents, rats love cluttered areas where they can build nests
  • Near food sources – Rats are lazy animals and prefer their food sources close to their nest
  • In walls – Those scurrying sounds in your walls are likely rats planning a kitchen run
  • High grass areas – Outdoor rats often hide in vary tall grass
  • By trees – Other outdoor rats may prefer living by or inside of dead trees

As a result, it is critical to get rid of rats from home as soon as possible. Homeowners can take many different approaches here. Exclusion helps to keep rats out but does nothing to manage those in the house. While deadly traps can be beneficial, they have drawbacks as well. Therefore, it may be a good idea to utilize humane rat traps throughout a home or a yard. High-quality professional help is an excellent option in this situation.

How Humane Rat Traps Help

If you believe that you have rats in your home or yard, you need to consider humane rat traps. This option is a better one than deadly rat traps. First of all, deadly ones force you to handle the body of the rat. Doing so could expose you to a myriad of health risks, which could make the situation even worse. Even worse, deadly rat traps often scare away other rodents. That’s because they instinctively avoid areas that smell like dead animals. This reason is just one explanation for why traps stop working.

Even better, animal control experts can set these humane traps. These professionals fully understand how to manage rat invasions in a home. They will set traps throughout a house in ways that make sense. This process includes putting traps in spots where rats are likely to go, including your kitchen. Just as importantly, animal control experts know how to handle these traps without getting bitten and can take the rat to an area far from your home to avoid another house invasion.

Reach Out to Get Help

If you want humane rat traps to manage your rodent troubles, please contact us at Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control right away. We are animal-control experts with years of experience in our field. We train our experts to handle animal removal, dead animal movement, and preventative care. In addition, we can work to manage raccoon, bat, snake, squirrel, opossum, groundhog, skunk, and bird invasion. If you live in Maryland and need help, please call [Direct] today to learn more about this process.
