What’s That In My Walls?

Squirrels used to be a rare problem for homeowners because they were nuisance animals that only lived in the wild. Now, squirrels are thriving in urban areas and can easily find their way into homes without humans even noticing until damage has been done. Once squirrels have entered a home, homeowners must either solve the problem quickly or safely get rid of the squirrels.

How Squirrels Get Into The House

A squirrel’s front teeth never stop growing, making them constantly need something to gnaw on to keep them from growing too long and causing serious damage. Around a home, this could mean chewing on wires or attacking drywall if they can’t find anything else to chew. If you see suspicious holes in your home’s walls or attic, there is a high chance that squirrels have been living in that space.

Sometimes squirrels find their way into the home through an opening they can fit through, which may be difficult to find. In houses with screen doors, most homeowners have found this entry point for a couple of squirrels at one time. Window screens are another common way for squirrels to get into a home, as well as torn or ripped screens.

Signs Of A Squirrel Infestation

Occupants of the house should be aware that an infestation within the walls and attic is very likely if they see any of these signs:

  1. Holes in the exterior walls or roof
  2. Shredded material near the entry/exit
  3. Droppings in the attic
  4. Damaged wires in the home’s walls are signs of chewing activity
  5. Noises that can’t be identified within the ceiling or walls, especially at night when squirrels are most active.

How To Get Rid Of Squirrels

Resolving a squirrel problem in the wall requires experienced technicians to inspect and assess the problem. The squirrels will have to be trapped and removed safely, or exclusion must be done so they can no longer find their way back in.

If you see any of these signs, do not attempt to trap or remove the animals yourself because it is against the law to intentionally kill animals unless you are certified by your state. However, you can evict the squirrels yourself by following these steps:


  1. Put on thick gloves to protect your hands and open a window and place a towel at the bottom of the screen frame. Wearing thick gloves, move the towel around until it is wedged firmly in the frame.
  2. With all windows open, shut off the heating or air conditioning.
  3. Wait for the squirrels to get cold and leave because they will not want to stay in a home without heat or cool air. If you cannot wait, wear your thickest gloves and locate their entry/exit point. Move furniture away from this area so there is enough room for you to open it slightly and set small traps on either side of the opening.
  4. Place nuts and seeds (but not peanut butter) outside the house in a line leading to your newly placed traps. Doing this will help you track which direction the squirrels are coming from and what time they leave every day, so you can be prepared for when it is time to remove them.
  5. Wait for the squirrels to be caught in the traps and release them at least 5 miles away from your home, either by driving or releasing them so they can find their way back toward the wild. Once all of the squirrels are out of your home, seal up any holes that lead into the interior walls or attic with heavy mesh or other material to prevent squirrels from getting back in.
  6. Place screens over attic vents to prevent any future problems.

Contact Us 

If you live near or in Towson, Maryland, and would like help humanely evicting squirrels from your home, call the experts at Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control.
